Black is a Poem was born in the living rooms of low-income Black & Brown people in Brooklyn, in 2015. As of 2019, we are located in the Kingdom of Hawai‘i.

Black is a Poem (BIAP) was created with the intention to be a safe performance and art space for Black artists living with social anxiety and depression. As an alternative to the often anxiety-inducing performance art scenes, we strive to provide artists with more intimate, tender, and accessible community spaces.

BIAP believes that community is an integral part of healing and artistic growth. Through curating intimate digital and in-person, poetry and art community spaces, we aim to collectively process and heal the trauma of racism, colorism, featurism, texturism, misogynoir, and anti-Blackness.

We recognize that Blackness is not monolithic, and that this identity can be tied to multiple experiences. As an attempt to disrupt colorism and desirability politics that inform how Black bodies are treated around the world, we aim to prioritize the safety, protection, and stories of non-ambiguous Black artists. 

Between 2020-2023, we've collaborated with a few amazing organizations and community groups!

Popolo Project

Project Koa Yoga


Queer Kanaka/Night Rainbow Writing Group

Black is a Poem is founded and run by 

Share Roman, a neurospicy dougla person, living on earth.